Entertainer Zodwa Wabantu said she plans to have fun at the popular str!_p club in Jo’burg
If you thought Zodwa Wabantu going to events sans und3r_w3ar was scandalous, be prepared to get shocked all over again: Zodwa has confirmed that she is finalising a deal to appear at a str_!p club in Johannesburg.
She confirmed she has received communication from a well-known joint, The Summit Club in Hillbrow.
“Although we are yet to finalise the booking, I can say that I’m excited to go to the club. I also really want to do it because I can relate to the girls who work there. I have been called everything from a prostitute to str_!pp3r, so if I get called by a st_r!p club, I’ll go without hesitation,” she said.
“I would just love being in the space with the women who st_r!p for a living. If they have a few tricks to share with me, I am more than willing to learn. I mean, people have already called me a stripper, I might as well know what and how they do it,” she said.
The Summit Club confirmed that it had shown interest in the socialite and were in the process of negotiating “money” with Zodwa.
The entertainer said that she wants to do “such” gigs not only for the money, but because society has to face the reality they have set up. She said people are quick to judge.